Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Legacy

I was reminded of this movie a week or so ago when I was researching a question for my friend Photo Guy.

He left me one of those "I've had too many drinks" voicemail messages asking me to help him settle an argument he was having with some friends. The question was about the actress that played Mrs. Robinson's daughter in The Graduate. I don't remember who PG's friend thought that it was, but it wasn't who she was thinking. As it turns out, it was Katharine Ross, who also starred in The Legacy.

I only saw this movie once many, many years ago when my sister and I went to the movies with my parents (to see yet another war film, I'm sure) and snuck into this theater instead. I remember being so excited because it was an "R" rated movie and I was only 11.

I don't remember Roger Daltrey being in the movie but I do remember the movie poster, that incredible house, the creepy hand, the ring, the pool scene, and that scary white cat. It's amazing the images that get burned into our memories.

I must find this movie and watch it again immediately!