Sunday, October 5, 2008
The Legacy
I was reminded of this movie a week or so ago when I was researching a question for my friend Photo Guy.
He left me one of those "I've had too many drinks" voicemail messages asking me to help him settle an argument he was having with some friends. The question was about the actress that played Mrs. Robinson's daughter in The Graduate. I don't remember who PG's friend thought that it was, but it wasn't who she was thinking. As it turns out, it was Katharine Ross, who also starred in The Legacy.
I only saw this movie once many, many years ago when my sister and I went to the movies with my parents (to see yet another war film, I'm sure) and snuck into this theater instead. I remember being so excited because it was an "R" rated movie and I was only 11.
I don't remember Roger Daltrey being in the movie but I do remember the movie poster, that incredible house, the creepy hand, the ring, the pool scene, and that scary white cat. It's amazing the images that get burned into our memories.
I must find this movie and watch it again immediately!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
The Great Flood of 2008
Check out these photos I took this morning of the lake in my backyard.
And the wading pool in my basement.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Empty Nest
It would appear that ALL birds love the dead yucca flower stalk just outside my front window. I'm not sure why, but I have gotten a ton of avian visitors that stop to take a rest.
Yesterday, an very interesting baby bird stopped by for a visit.
After watching him for a few seconds, I saw his mother swoop down to feed him and recognized that she was a blue jay. I know this photo is pretty fuzzy, but the action happened so fast this was the only shot I was able to get.
I continued to watch him for a bit and then decided that he might be video worthy.
After just a few minutes, it became too difficult for me to stand at the window and I missed him attempting to fly off the yucca. I looked a little while later and he was gone.
I was afraid that he was going to hurt the baby bird, so I ventured out onto the front law to make sure that he was okay. That's when I heard more squawking on the neighbors lawn. Turns out he had at least two siblings. I know it's hard to see them. You'll just have to trust me. The other two really are there.
Damn, I wish I could get my babies out of the nest that easily.
Note to my readers:
I realize that it seems kinda scary, or maybe even a little pathetic, that I spent that much time interested in some baby birds (and even more time to blog about it) but, with being stuck in the house ALL THE F***ING TIME, this is one of the most exciting things I've seen in months. I know you're really jealous, but you'll just have to contain yourselves.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Why I Love Bill Maher
Monday, August 25, 2008
Happy Birthday J9
I hope you enjoy this video. I have so many fond memories of this song from our Tops days. Makes me feel like busting a no-beat move every time I hear it.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
I Give You China's Giant Bedpan
I think it looks nothing like a bird's nest. Behold the Giant Bedpan!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Even though she gets on my nerves most of the time, she really is a good dog. She's been very, very sick for the last several days and I'm pretty worried about her. She 7 1/2 which is (as you know) 52 1/2 in dog years.
Heavenly Handfuls
I discovered these gross little dolls on Monday when I received a postcard mailer for these scary, little creatures in my weekly supermarket ad pack and was completely horrified.
The direct mail piece had a closeup of the Green M&M baby being held by the back of its neck over a small bowl of M&M's with the stomach rounded out to look like the M&M character. It immediately screamed "Eat the baby," and totally creeped be out. I (regretfully) couldn't find that shot on line and had already discarded the postcard. Damn!
The closeup below doesn't show just how mongoloidish these awful, little things are but will give you a pretty good idea.
Retarded candy babies. Creepy! Just damn creepy!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Yellow Finch
I've been doing a great deal of watching out my window lately and have never seen anything like this guy.
It was pretty hard to get these photos 'cuz the darn thing was constantly hopping back and forth while doing this strange dance across the whole length of the hedge. I'm not a female finch, but I'm guessing that he was doing some weird mating ritual thingy.
You really can't tell from the photos but he was really, really tiny. Maybe only 2 1/2 to 3 inches tall but incredibly gorgeous!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Big-Ass Hornet
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Mikayla's Birthday
I particularly ejoyed watching her and Gabby have a tea party with her new tea set. She even wore white gloves. Too cute!
Broken Glass
Seriously... I MUST get out of this house soon!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Insurance Company Rules
I stumbled across this video while researching my current health insurance nightmare.
I found it really, really funny until I realized that it's 100% accurate. Then, it made me start to cry. How on earth are those bastards allowed to get away with the bullshit that they pull? Where is the accountability?
Monday, August 4, 2008
Meet Freddie
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Michael. Poor, poor Michael.
I saw this on VH-1 Classic one day not too long ago, and was reminded of how much I love this video.
Michael was so beautiful.
Tragic. Very, very tragic.
Blue Bag
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Photography 101
It's pretty sad that I've owned this camera for nearly four years and only today discovered all of its wonderful features. Hopefully my photos will be much better moving forward.
Stay tuned.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Now for something completely different
My friend Dan turned me on to this movie last week and, although the acting is really, really bad, I couldn't stop watching this flick. It's set in New Jersey in 1961 and tells the story of a little girl murdered in church during her first communion mass.
Definiely worth the 114 minutes or so and it's Brooke Shields screen debut (several years before "Pretty Baby"). She was like 10 or something but was definitely one of the best actors in the cast.
The film also features a really disgusting landlord, played by Alphonso DeNoble (yeah, I've never heard or him either), who is the grossest, creepiest pedofile EVER! Complete with stains on the front of his pants and fifteen or so cats.
For all of you traumatized recovering catholics like me, It's a must see. It's been playing on Cinemax for the last few weeks. I suggest you Tivo it immediately.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
YIKES -- I'm turning into Gladys.
I only managed to get this shot of my neighbor picking up her newspaper.
For the record I really don't enjoy syping on my neighbors. Long-term isolation turns us all into Gladys Kravitz.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Where To Begin
Post #1
So I've been in isolation now for 55 days. Not like prison or anything, but sometimes it sure feels like I'm incarcerated. Since my illness keeps me from leaving my house except for medical appointments, I've decided to create a photo journal of interesting things that I see from my living room window.
Hope you enjoy.